PDF Slide Decks 01 Introduction (pdf) 02 Positions on the Theistic Proofs (pdf) 03 Cataloging Apologetic Systems (pdf) 04 Classical Apologetics (pdf) 05 Evidentialism (pdf) 06 Presuppositionalism 6a. Introduction to Presuppositionalism (pdf) 6b. A Classical Critique of Presuppositionalism (pdf) 6c. A Classical Critique of Presuppositionalism (cont’) (pdf) 07 Reformed Epistemology (pdf)

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“Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered.” C. S. Lewis

Welcome to the Virtual Office of Dr. Richard G. Howe

Southern Evangelical Seminary Christian Apologetic Systems Professor Richard G. Howe, Ph.D.
TEXTS / HANDOUTS Boa, Kenneth and Robert M. Bowman, Jr. 2nd ed. Faith Has Its Reasons: An Integrative Approach to Defending Christianity. Colorado Springs: Navpress, 2005. (pdf) Christian Apologetics Journal. Vol. 11, No. 2 / Fall 2013. (pdf) Presuppositionalism Bahnsen - Sproul Debate Transcript (pdf) Bahnsen - Stein Debate Transcript (pdf) Van Til, Cornelius “My Credo” (pdf) Van Til, Cornelius “The Total Picture (pdf) Van Til, Cornelius “Why I Believe in God” (pdf) Critiques of Presuppositionalism Howe, Richard G. “Response to James Anderson” (pdf) Reformed Epistemology Clark, Kelly James “Without Evidence or Argument” (pdf)