Midway Community Church

Foundations Sunday School Class

Homosexuality Handout 01 God Verses on Doctrine/Teachings The Doctrine of God Short Bibliography on God Inerrancy Explaning Inerrancy Norman L. Geisler: “The Concept of Truth in the Inerrancy Debate” The "Chicago Statement" of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy Jay Grimstead: "How the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy Began" Jay Grimstead: "More on ICBI" ICBI Signatories (pdf) (typed list pdf) Islam Outline: A Study of World Religions - Islam Some Doctrinal Differences between Islam and Christianity Violent Verses in the Qu’ran Justification Handout 1: How Is a Sinner Justfied before God? Handout 2: James, Dead Faith, Salvation, and Justification - James 2:14-26 Handout 3: The Language of Salvation Handout 4: Once Saved Always Saved Handout 5: Problem Passages - Heb. 6 (handout; article, outline) Miracles Handout 01 Handout 02 Handout 03 (did not cover) Handout 04 Handout 05 Handout 06 Handout 07 (did not cover) Handout 08 Handout 09 Thomas Aquinas’s Classification of the Miraculous Works of God Handout 10 Handout 11 Zane Hodges “The Angel at Bethesda-John 5:3” The Will of God Handout 1 First Kings 19:12 - A Still Small Voice? (Dr. Tom Howe) Articles and Audio by Thomas A. Howe, Ph.D. Genesis 1 - 3 Structure Creation Parallels Critique of Hugh Ross' Arguments for Long Creation Days Who Are the Sons of God in Genesis 6? Flood Chiasm First Kings 19:12 - A Still Small Voice? “Isaiah 46:8 - Declaring the End from the Beginning” (mp3) "The Old Testament Jesus in the Gospel of John" (mp3) "John 7:53-8:11 - Moses and Jesus" (mp3) "Understanding the Genesis Account" (mp3)

Institutions are listed for identification purposes only. Website © 2025 Richard G. Howe, Ph.D.


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“Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered.” C. S. Lewis
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