Midway Community Church Sunday Night Study Inerrancy of the Bible Explaning Inerrancy (pdf) PDF Deck of Presentation on Inerrancy (color) (b&w) (3x b&w) (6x b&w) Signatories of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy (pdf) Typed list of Signatories of the International Council on Biblical Inerancy (pdf) ICBI Chicago Statement (pdf) ICBI Chicago Statement on Hermeneutics (pdf) ICBI Chicago Statement on Application (pdf) How the ICBI Began (pdf) Norman L. Geisler, "The Concept of Truth in the Inerrancy Debate" (pdf) Q & A with Dean and Richard The Value of Chiasm for New Testament Interpretation Chiasm of the Flood Narrative Chiasm of Luke 1 Chiasm of Hebrews 12 "Who Are the Sons of God in Genesis Six?" Dr. Thomas A. Howe "What Is Philosophy?" (mp3) Dr. Richard G. Howe on Cross-Examined Radio with Dr. Frank Turek “The Role of Reason in the Christian Life: Thinking Well in a Culture of Craziness” "Hot Topics" Young Earth Presuppositionalism Handout 1 Was Jesus Married? (color) (b&w) (6x b&w) How Philosophy Can Help Your Theology How Philosophy Can Help Your Theology (pdf) Can a Christian Lose His Eternal Life? Can a Christian Lose His Eternal Life? (color) (b&w) (3x b&w) (6x b&w) Problem Verses: Heb. 6:4-6a (slides) (outline) Problem Verses: James 2:14-26 (slides) (outline) Apologetics Annotated Bibliography on Apologetics Handout 1 - Introduction (slides) (outline) Handout 2 - Philosophical Foundation (slides) (outline) Handout 3 - The Existence of God (slides) (outline) Handout 4 - The Historicity of the Bible (slides) (outline) Handout 5 - Who Is Jesus? The Bible on Jesus (slides) (outline) Handout 6 - Jesus on the Bible (slides) (outline) Cults and Isms of Today Handout 1 (slides) - Introduction and Marks of a Cult Handout 2 (outline) - Introduction Handout 3 (outline) - The Marks of a Cult Handout 4 (outline) - Jesus Claims Deity Handout 5 (slides) - Mormonism Handout 6 (slides) - Convince Us of Our Errors: Why I Believe Joseph Smith, Jr. Is Not a Prophet of God Handout 7 (slides) - Introduction to the Occult Handout 8 (article) - Modern Witchcraft: It May Not Be What You Think Handout 9 (article) - Satanism: A Taste of the Dark Side Handout 10 (slides) - Satanism: A Taste of the Dark Side Handout 11 (article) - Deceived by the Light Handout 12 (slides) - Word of Faith Movement Handout 13 (slides) - The Religion of the Force: An Analysis of Star Wars Handout 14 (slides) - Jehovah's Witnesses and the Marks of a Cult The Divine Chain of Communication Handout 1 - Outline of the Course Handout 2 - The Foundation for Theology: From Exegesis to Systematic Theology Handout 3 - Revelation: General Revelation Handout 4 - Revelation: General Revelation - The Existence of God Handout 4 (slides) - Revelation: General Revelation - The Existence of God (slides) Handout 5 - Revelation: Special Revelation Handout 6 - Faith and Reason Handout 7 - Inspiration The Chicago Statement on Inerrancy Handout 8 - Transmission and Translation Handout 9 - The Old Testament Canon Handout 10 - The New Testament Canon [forthcoming] Handout 11 - Translation: Tell-Tale Verses Handout 12 - Interpretation: What Does This Verse Mean to You? Pt. 1: Some Thoughts on Understanding the Bible

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“Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered.” C. S. Lewis
Thursday Morning Thursday Morning Foundations Class Foundations Class