Institutions are listed for identification purposes only. Website © 2024 Richard G. Howe, Ph.D.

“Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered.” C. S. Lewis
South Africa Trip
July 2023
Ratio Christi, University of Cape Town “Does God Exist? The Evidence for God” (pdf) Ratio Christi @ Grace Live Church, Stellenbosch “Truth About Truth” (pdf) “Does God Exist? The Evidence for God” (pdf) “Answering the Arguments of Popular Atheism” (pdf) “The Truth about Satanism” (pdf) “The New Age Movement” (pdf) Akademia “Thomas Aquinas’s Doctrine of Divine Simplicity” (paper pdf) “Thomas Aquinas’s Doctrine of Divine Simplicity, Pt. 1” (pdf) “Thomas Aquinas’s Doctrine of Divine Simplicity, Pt. 2” (pdf) Max Herrera, “Does God Have a Nature: Problems in Plantinga” Christian Apologetics Journal 3, no. 2, (Fall 2004): 50-78. (paper pdf) “God Fading Away” (pdf) “Answering the Arguments of Popular Atheism” (pdf) Ratio Christi Symposium “Truth About Truth” (pdf) “Miracles: A Philosophy, Theology, and Apologetic” (pdf) (In Defense of the Supernatural paper) “On Building a Worldview” (pdf) “The Truth about Satanism” (pdf) “What About Those Who Have Never Heard? (pdf) “Natural Law Theory” (pdf) “Answering the Arguments of Popular Atheism” (pdf) “Saving Natural Theology from Jeffrey Johnson” (pdf)
Richard G. Howe, Ph.D.