Bibliographies Bibliography on Theism, Atheism, and Agnosticism Bibliography on Apologetic Systems Bibliography on Apologetics Bibliography on Classical Philosophy Bibliography on New Religious Movements Bible and Theology Richard G. Howe A Commentary on Certain Differences Between the 1963 Baptist Faith and Message and the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message James, Dead Faith, Salvation, and Justification: James 2:14-26 (PowerPoint pfd deck here) Having Done All These Things: Comments on Hebrews 6:4-6a (notes) (handout) Rethinking Adam in the Garden (outline) (slide deck) Some Concerns about a Revivalist's View of "How to Hear from God" Some Thoughts on Natural Theology and Romans 1 (blog entry) What Does This Verse Mean to You? Verses Most Commonly Taken Out of Context (Pt. 1) (Pt. 2) (Pt. 3) Gary W. Derickson “What Is the Message of 1 John?” [Bibliotheca Sacra 150 (January-March 1993): 89-105] Tom Howe: “A Response to Bart D. Ehrman’s Misquoting Jesus “Practical Hermeneutics: How to Interpret Your Bible Correctly, Pt. 1” “Practical Hermeneutics: How to Interpret Your Bible Correctly, Pt. 2” “Who Are the Sons of God in Genesis 6?” Lanny Thomas Tanton “The Gospel and Water Baptism: A Study of Acts 2:38” [Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society 3 (Spring 1990): 27-52] “The Gospel and Water Baptism: A Study of Acts 22:16” [Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society 4 (Spring 1991): 23-40] Apologetics Bibliography on Apologetics Bibliography on New Religious Movements Discussion on Apologetic Systems and the Age of the Earth [Christian Apologetics Journal, vol. 11, no. 2/Fall 2013] K. Scott Oliphint (Covenantal Apologetics and Old Earth Creationism) Jason Lisle (Young Earth Presuppositionalism) Richard G. Howe (Classical Apologetics and Creationism) Critical Thinking: So Often Ignored, It’s a Sin: A Few Thoughts on Kurt Eichenwald’s “The Bible: So Misunderstood, It’s a Sin” Does the Bible Teach Reincarnation? A Response to Joe Fisher's "The Lost Chord of Christianity" From the Nature God to the God of Nature In Defense of the Supernatural Inerrancy of the Bible, the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy, and More Explaining Inerrancy (pdf) PDF Deck on Inerrancy (pdf) Signatories of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy (pdf) Typed list of Signatories of the International Council on Biblical Inerancy (pdf) ICBI Chicago Statement (pdf) ICBI Chicago Statement on Hermeneutics (pdf) ICBI Chicago Statement on Application (pdf) How the ICBI Began (pdf) Norman L. Geisler, "The Concept of Truth in the Inerrancy Debate" (pdf) G. K. Beale, “Can the Bible Be Completely Inspired by God and Yet Still Contain Errors? A Response to Some Recent ‘Evangelical’ Proposals” Westminster Theological Journal 73 (2011): 1-22. (pdf) Thomas A. Howe, “Does Gerne Determine Meaning? Christian Apologetics Journal 6, no. 1 (Spring 2007): 1-19. (pdf) ________. “Licona and Inerrancy.” (pdf) International Society of Christian Apologetics (ISCA) Newsletters (Summer 2016) (Winter 2017) (Fall 2017) (Spring 2018) Miracles: A Philosophy, Theology, and Apologetic Modern Witchcraft: It May Not Be What You Think (follow-up article From the Nature God to the God of Nature) On Red Herrings, the Ambiguity of 'Natural' and the Fallacy of Equivocation in the Intelligent Design/Evolution Debate “Physics Demystified” by James Trefil. Satanism: A Taste for the Dark Side Some Concerns … about Holistic Medicine, Dr. Bernie Siegel, and New Age Occultism (Response to a Critic) about John C. Maxwell about Norman Vincent Peale and The Power of Positive Thinking “Some Critical Thoughts on Presuppositionalism” (forthcoming) Some Theological Differences Between Evangelical Christianity and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormonism) Theistic Arguments: Now and Then (blog entry) Why I Don’t Have a Biblical Worldview (and You Shouldn’t Either) (pdf slide deck) Young Earth Presuppositionalism Philosophy Richard G. Howe Antecedents to Thomas Aquinas’s Doctrine of Divine Simplicity (pdf) Aquinas on Existence and the Essence/Existence Distinction (pdf) Bibliography on Classical Philosophy (pdf) Defending the Handmaid chapter from I Am Put Here for the Defense of the Gospel: Dr. Norman L. Geisler: A Festschrift in His Honor (pdf) “Defending the Haidmaid: How Theology Needs Philosophy” article from Journal for Baptist Theology & Ministry (Spring 2024, Vol. 21, No. 1): 99-111. (pdf) (entire journal here) Discussing Aquinas blog entry (pdf) Future Contingencies and the Law of Excluded Middle in Aristotle and Some Philosophers “God and Morality.” (pdf) How Do I Know that I Know? (blog entry) Metaphysics and Formal Logic Part 1 (blog entry) Metaphysics and Formal Logic Part 2 (blog entry) The Moral Argument for God’s Existence: Some Thomistic Natural Law Musings (blog entry) “On the Function of Philosophy.” Christian Apologetics Journal 7 (Fall 2008): 57-82. (pdf) “Philosophical Antecedents to Thomas Aquinas’s Second Way.” Christian Apologetics Journal 10 (Spring 2012): 45-78. (pdf) “Saving Natural Theology from Jeffrey Johnson.” Christian Apologetics Journal 17 (Spring 2023): 55-91. (pdf) “The Legacy of Thomas Aquinas (pdf) Theistic Arguments: Now and Then (blog entry) “Thomistic Responses to Some Objections to Aquinas’s Second Way.” (pdf) “Two Notions of the Infinite in Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae I, Questions 2 and 46.” Christian Apologetics Journal 8 (Spring 2009): 71-86. (pdf) Jan A. Aertsen ”The Convertibility of Being and Good in St. Thomas Aquinas” New Scholasticism 59 (1985): 449-470. Edward Feser (off site) Classical Theism Natural Theology, Natural Science, and the Philosophy of Nature To a Louse The “One God Further” Objection Does Morality Depend on God? God and Possible Worlds God, Man, and Classical Theism God, Obligation, and the Euthyphro Dilemma God and Possible Worlds Teleology: A Shopper's Guide Progressive Dematerialization William Lane Craig on Divine Simplicity Craig on Theistic Personalism Craig on Divine Simplicity and Theistic Personalism Edward Feser / Keith Parsons Debate Background Feser: “Non-Story of the Year” Feser: “The Brutal Facts about Keith Parsons” Feser: “I Was Wrong about Keith Parsons” Opening Feser: “Four Questions for Keith Parsons” Parsons: “Answering Prof. Feser” Exchange #1: Four Questions for Keith Parsons Feser: “An Exchange with Keith Parsons, Part I” Parsons: “Response to Prof. Feser’s Response (Part I)” “Reply to Prof. Feser’s Second Question” Feser: “An Exchange with Keith Parsons, Part II” Parsons: “Response to Prof. Feser’s Response to … etc (Part II)” “Response to Prof. Feser’s Third Question” Feser: “An Exchange with Keith Parsons, Part III” Parsons: “Reply to Prof. Feser’s Response, (Part III)” “Reply to Prof. Feser’s Fourth Question” Feser: “An Exchage with Keith Parsons, Part IV” Parsons: “Reply to Prof. Feser’s Response, (Part IV) Exchange #2: ”Can Morality Have a Rational Justification if Atheism or Naturalism Is True?” Feser: “A Second Exchange with Keith Parsons, Part I” Parson: “Morality and Atheism: An Exchange with Prof. Feser” Feser: “A Second Exchange with Keith Parsons, Part II” Parsons: “Belated Response to Ed Feser” Norman L. Geisler ”The Concept of Truth in the Inerrancy Debate” Bibliotheca Sacra 137, No. 548 (Oct.-Dec. 1980): 327-339. A. J. Hoover Don’t You Believe It! Poking Holes in Faulty Logic George P. Klubertanz “St. Thomas and the Knowlege of the Singular” The New Scholasticism 26, No. 2 (April 1952): 135- John F. X. Knasas “Thomistic Existentialism and the Silence of the Quinque Viae Modern Schoolman 63 (March 1986): 157-171. Joseph Owens “Aquinas and the Five Ways” Monist 58 (Jan. 1974): 16-35. “Aquinas—’Darkness of Ignorance’ in the Most Refined Notion of God.” The Southwestern Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 5, No. 2, “Aquinas and Bonaventure.” (Summer, 1974):93–110. Brian J. Shanley “Analytical Thomism” The Thomist 63 (1999): 125-137. Christina Van Dyke “Not Properly a Person: The Rational Soul and ‘Thomistic Substance Dualism’” Faith and Philosophy 26, No. 2 (April 2009): 186-204. Henry Babcock Veatch “Symposium-Logical Truths" The Journal of Philosophy LIII, No. 22 (Oct. 25, 1956): 671-679. "The Truths of Metaphysics" Review of Metaphysics 17, No. 3, Issue 67 (March 1964): 372-395. "St. Thomas on the Question, 'How Are Synthetic Judgments A Priori Possible?'" Modern Schoolman 42 (March 1965): 239- 263.

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“Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered.” C. S. Lewis