Institutions are listed for identification purposes only. Website © 2023 Richard G. Howe, Ph.D.

“Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered.” C. S. Lewis
Southern Evangelical Seminary Introduction to Apologetics Professor Richard G. Howe, Ph.D. INTRODUCTION Introduction to Apologetics (pdf) PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS Philosophical Foundations (pdf) EXISTENCE OF GOD The Existence of God (pdf) (additional slides on Hoyle and Wickramasinghe (pdf)) Aquinas’s Essence / Existence Argument (pdf) Aquinas’s “Second Way” (pdf) TRUTH OF CHRISTIANITY: Historicity of the Bible Miracles: A Philosophy, Theology, and Apologetic (pdf) Apologetics: The Historicity of the Bible (pdf) On the Da Vinci Code (pdf) TRUTH OF CHRISTIANITY: The Bible on Jesus The Bible on Jesus (pdf) TRUTH OF CHRISTIANITY: Jesus on the Bible Apologetics: Inerrancy of the Bible (pdf) The Concept of Truth in the Inerrancy Debate, Revisited (pdf) APOLOGETIC ISSUES The Design Argument: Aquinas vs. Paley (pdf) The Problem of Evil (pdf) Euthyphro Dilemma (pdf) Answering the Scientific Arguments of Popular Atheism (pdf) Why I Don’t Have a Biblical Worldview (pdf) REQUIRED READING(S) Geisler, Norman L. “The Concept of Truth in the Inerrancy Debate.” Bibliotheca Sacra (Oct. - Dec. 1980): 327-339. (pdf) Howe, Richard G. “Defending the Handmaid.” (chapter pdf) (MA and DMin only) COLLATERIAL MATERIAL Presentations Defending the Handmaid: How Theology Need Philosophy (pdf) The Truth about Truth (pdf) Think Like You Mean It! Exposing Logical Fallacies. (pdf) Relativism and Knowledge, Pt. 2: The Classical View of Knowledge (pdf) ARTICLES/BOOKS Bruce, F. F. The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? (pdf) Craig, William Lane. “’What place, then, for a creator?’ Hawking on God and Creation.” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 41 (1990): 473-491. (pdf) Edwards, William D., Wesley J. Gabel, and Floyd E. Hosmer, “On the Physical Death of Jesus Christ.” Journal of the American Medical Association. Vol. 255, No. 11 (March 21, 1986): 1455-1463. (pdf) Edward Feser, “Teleology: A Shopper’s Guide” (pdf) Howe, Richard G. “Defending the Handmaid.” (chapter pdf) ________. “Philosophical Antecedents to Aquinas’s Doctrine of Divine Simplicity.” Christian Apologetics Journal 10 (Spring 2012): 45-78. (pdf) ________. “In Defense of the Supernatural.” (pdf) ________. “On the Function of Philosophy.” Christian Apologetics Journal 7 (Fall 2008): 57-82. (pdf) ________. “Saving Natural Theology from Jeffrey Johnson.” Christian Apologetics Journal 17 (Spring 2023): 55-91. (pdf) ________. “Two Notions of the Infinite in Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae I, Questions 2 and 46.” Christian Apologetics Journal 8 (Spring 2009): 71-86. (pdf) Howe, Thomas “Does Genre Determine Meaning?” (pdf) Lisle, Jason, K. Scott Oliphint, and Richard G. Howe “Christian Apologetic Methods and the Age of the Earth.” Christian Apologetics Journal. Vol. 11, No. 2 / Fall 2013. (pdf) Norman L. Geisler, “Beware of Philosophy: A Warning to Biblical Scholars” (pdf) ________. "The Concept of Truth in the Inerrancy Debate" (pdf) Time Magazine. “Is God Dead?” (April 8, 1966): 82-87. (pdf) Time Magazine. “Is God Coming Back to Life?” (Dec. 26, 1969): 40-45. (pdf) Time Magazine. “Modernizing the Case for God.” (April 7, 1980): 55-57. (pdf) Trefil, James. “Physics Demystified.” Science Digest (April 1983): 94-95. (pdf) MULTIMEDIA Ilustra Media “Unlocking the Mystery of Life” clip (wmv) Philip Sampson “Galileo vs. the Church” (mp3) Philip Sampson “The Evolution of the a Myth: Darwin, Science, and Religion” (mp3) Stephen Colbert Destroys Lawrence Krauss (mp4) Mike Licona clips Clip 1 Clip 2 Clip 3 Clip 4